Happy November and FRIDAY! COOL and breezy today with a high around 50. Freeze watch for tonight with lows around freezing! Cool mid-50s tomorrow for the Nats' Parade! Cool 30s Saturday night, and only near 50 Sunday. Another chance of a freeze Sunday night. For all new people (and a reminder to others) I am a hobbyist! I try and make you aware of the weather and especially any crazy weather, but it is not my main job and not more important than my family or life in general! I love tracking and sharing and will do my best, but you will see gaps at times. For instance, I take weekends off unless I feel inspired, have time, or some crazy weather is happening. You will notice three regular types of updates. 1. This weekday morning posting 2. Instagram video 3. Special outlooks where I make you aware of alerts or advisories that are posted and some long-range speculations at times. You can see my web site at https://loudounweather.com . I am also attempting to keep a Loudoun flash briefing on Alexa. For the Daily Weather Outlook Flash Briefing – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W11QTL3/