9/21/2022 – Last day of Summer and it is about to feel fall like! We do have a pretty warm day. Late tonight and early tomorrow we may have some gusty showers and maybe even a thunderstorm as the front comes through and brings breezy dry air into the area. Temps will be around 50 tomorrow night and the mid-40s Friday night.
Saturday is the Leesburg Air Show! It is fun and I strongly recommend it!
Friday through Tuesday look dry. Now, I am watching late next week for how a tropical system may impact us! WAYYYYY too many questions, but I do worry about the Gulf Coast and what could be a tropical system next week. IT MAY have some impact here, but this is just way too far out! I am hoping this does not become a big storm!
Otherwise, we look cooler than normal overall and drier unless we get that tropical influence!